Lifepointe leadership represents a committed community of people who are abiding in Christ as they seek to make disciples together. This team of leaders serve the church by helping others find their identity and source of life in Christ, center their lives around Christ-centered devotion, and connect with His people.

Antonio (Leo) Gemino Jr
Pastor Leo felt the leading of God to a full-time ministry in 1994. He decided to pursue seminary training after finishing his college degree. In 2000, with a heart passionate for Jesus, Leo answered the call to pastor a church. He served the church for 3 years before moving to the States to pursue further training. He graduated with a Master’s degree majoring in Pastoral Theology at Dallas Theological Seminary in 2007.
The best decision Pastor Leo have made in life (next to following Jesus) was marrying his wife Abigail, who is known to everybody as Joy. Married in 2007, they went back to the Philippines and served in missions for 12 years. They have one son whose name is Orel.

Charles Damian
Collin Gibson
Arnel Ventura

Mei Chang Damian
Worship Leader

Carol Floyd
Sunday School Director
Financial Consultant
Cecille Mariner
Jean Raposa
Fe Reyes